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Create a sustainable future with the help of the sea.
Use algae to remove CO2 and as a renewable carbon source

Find out how:

offshore Algae farming.

MaDeCa stands for Marine Decarbonisation. We use algae to bind CO2 from the atmosphere and produce biomass. We strive to make saving the climate economical for everyone.

Problem in the world

  • Fossil carbon responsible for CO2 problems and dependencies
  • Biomass production too expensive or not scalable so far
  • Large quantities from local production necessary for sustainable solutions

Our Solution

  • Conflict-free biomass from the sea

  • Low costs and scalability through involvement of fishermen

  • Large quantities thanks to platform economy

  • Positive environmental effects for the climate and the sea

Why MaDeCa?

  • Sustainable partner model: local partners and bundled distribution
  • Positive environmental effects: Relief for local ecosystems and CO2 reduction
  • Flexible system: modular system
  • Scalability: worldwide use
  • Brand building: trust through quality

Biomass from algae

We will soon go to sea and offer high-quality sugar kelp algae (Saccharina latissima). Currently we offer this biomass unprocessed.

If you are interested in the concrete composition of our algae or if you already want to partner up with us for the interest in biomass reach out to us and we are looking forward to hear from you soon.

Buying CO2-certificates

With the help of our algae farming mutliple tons of CO2 can be reduced. These valuable reductions help towards a more environmentally friendly world. Soon we will offer CO2-certificates representing a small part of sea with the algaes reducing a certain amount of CO2. These certificates can be bought in small amounts for private persons or in bigger quantities by companies. 

If you already want to pre-reserve CO2-certificates or are interested in a long-term partnership buying a certain amount of certificates, reach out to us and we are looking forward to hear from you.

Do you want to stay informed about our progress and help to spread the word about MaDeCa in your social and professional circles? Informing others about MaDeCa helps our mission to clean the seas and boost the circular economy. Simply subscribe to our newsletter:

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MaDeCa helps to save the climate by growing algae at sea.

Daniel, founder

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